Liber AL

1 to 25 of 103 items.


666 and the Scibe 777:

The Book of Perfection Sub Figura LIBER 440. 93 Publishing, South Stukely, Québec 1977. With 3 color plates (stele [folded table] and cover illustration). Text in black/red. 119 S., 1 Bl., 1 [w] Illustr. Paperback.

Price: 342,00 €


AIVASS – Aleister Crowley:

Das Buch des Gesetzes. Liber Al vel Legis. Phänomen-Verlag Gitta Peyn, Lüchow 2001. Unveränderte 2. Auflage. Übersetzt von Ralf Löffler und Gitta Peyn. 252 S., 1 (w) illustr. OKarton.

Price: 38,00 €


AIVASS – Aleister Crowley:

Das Buch des Gesetzes. Liber Al vel Legis. Phänomen-Verlag Gitta Peyn, Lüchow 2001. Unveränderte 2. Auflage. Übersetzt von Ralf Löffler und Gitta Peyn. 252 S., 1 (w) illustr. OKarton.

Price: 42,00 €


AIVASS – Aleister Crowley:

Das Buch des Gesetzes. Liber Al vel Legis. Phänomen-Verlag Gitta Peyn, Lüchow 1992. 1. Auflage [in 8°]. Übersetzt von Ralf Löffler und Gitta Peyn. 252 S., 1 (w) illustr. OKarton.

Price: 44,00 €


Aiwass / Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

Liber Al vel Legis svb figurâ CCXX wie es von LXXVIII an DCLXVI gegeben ward. Kersken-Canbaz Verlag, Bergen/Dumme 1999. Übersetzung [u. Kommentare] von Michael D[ietmar] Eschner. S. 1-28 [Vorwort u. Meditationen u. Mantren d. Gesetzes], 100-123 [Nuit], 200-223 [Hadit], 300-321 [Ra-Hoor-Khuit], 400-401 [Kommentar], 500-502 [Tit.-Bl. d. Faksimile-Teils], CI-CXXII [Faksimile d. Handschrift: Nuit], CCI-CCXXII [Faksimile d. Handschrift: Hadit], CCCI-CCCXXI [Faksimile d. Handschrift: Ra-Hoor-Khuit], 601-626 [Index], 627-628 [Vlgs.-Anz.], 629-630 (w) illustr. [matt] OKarton.

Price: 42,00 €


Aleister Crowley (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.) and Marcelo [Ramos] Motta:

THE COMMENTARIES OF AL being THE EQUINOX VOLUME V No. 1. Samuel Weiser, New York 1975. Gr.-8°. First Edition. Preface by James Wasserman. 2 farbige Tafeln (Stele). 11 Bl., 288 S., 34 Bl. (Facsimile of the handwritten manuscript of Liber Al), 13 Bl. (Index). Red cloth with gilt title, etc. to spine and upper board. With original Dust jacket in Mylar.

Price: 285,00 €


Anonym [Stein, Robert]:

An Analysis of the Riddle in Liber XXXI. Published by the author, Buffalo (Kenmore) 2001. Second Printing. 4° [278 x 217 mm]. With 6 color illustrations. 33, [1] S. Red Softcover.

Price: 80,00 €


Anonym [Stein, Robert]:

LIBER L VEL LEGIS, Liber XXXI and Liber CCXX. First Editions of the Book of the Law in Facsimile. Published by the author, Buffalo (Kenmore) 2001. 4° [278 x 217 mm]. With a folding table [430 x 280mm]. iv, 49, [1] S. Red Softcover.

Price: 90,00 €


Ariel, Prince (?):

The Riddle of SebRa – Prolegomena to any Future Analysis. Royal Star Publishing Jimmi Rocket, Missouri [ca. 1980]. 1 Bl., 32 S., 1 Bl. Softcover.

Price: 60,00 €


Born, Karin:

Die Sprache der Gewalt im Liber L vel Legis. Selbstverlag Karin Born, Bergen 2020. 182 S., 3 (w). Illustr. OKarton.

Price: 28,00 €



Liber Al vel Legis. Die Armanische Antwort. Bohmeier Verlag, Lübeck 2001. 1. Auflage. 101, 3 (w) S. Illustr. OKarton.

Price: 10,00 €


Cole, Richard T.:

LIBER L. + VEL BOGUS (The Real Confession of Aleister Crowley). SUB FIGURA LXXX. Being Parts I & II(A) of The Governing Dynamics of Thelema. Privately Published, Printed & Distributed, o.O. 2014. Gr.-8°. Edited by Sadie Sparkes. With numerous b/w illustrations. 246 S, 1 Bl. Hardcover with dust jacket.

Price: 120,00 €


Cole, Richard T.:

LIBER L. + VEL BOGUS (The Real Confession of Aleister Crowley). SUB FIGURA LXXX. Being Parts I & II(A) of The Governing Dynamics of Thelema. Privately Published, Printed & Distributed, o.O. 2014. Gr.-8°. Edited by Sadie Sparkes. With numerous b/w illustrations. 246 S, 1 Bl. Illustr. Paperback.

Price: 18,00 €


Cole, Richard T.:

LIBER L. vel BOGUS. The Real Confession of Aleister Crowley SUB FIGURA LXXX. Being Parts I & II(A) of The Governing Dynamics of Thelema. Privately Published, Printed & Distributed, o.O. 2014. Gr.-8°. Edited by Sadie Sparkes. With numerous b/w illustrations. 246 S, 1 Bl. Paperback.

Price: 20,00 €


[Cole, Richard T.]:

The Race to Conquer eLGMOR. Self-published by the author, (Lulu), 2020. 96 S., 3 (w) Bl. Illustr. Paperback.

Price: 14,00 €


Cornelius, Marlene:

Liber AL vel Legis. The Book of the Law. An Examination of Liber XXXI & Liber CCXX. Conjoined Creation, Berkeley 2013. First Edition. Gr.-8°. 1 Bl. (w), 2 Bl., vi, 269, 7 (w) S. Paperback.

Price: 120,00 €


Crowley, Aleister [eigentl. Edward Alexander C.] und M[ichael] D[ietmar] Eschner:

Liber Al vel Legis mit Kommentaren. Kersken-Canbaz Verlag, Bergen/Dumme 1993. [4. Auflage, nach der zweiten, völlig neu überarbeiteten Auflage]. 355 S., 2 Bl. Vlgs.-Anz., 1 (w) illustr. OKarton.

Price: 68,00 €


Crowley, Aleister [eigentl. Edward Alexander C.] und M[ichael] D[ietmar] Eschner:

Liber Al vel Legis mit Kommentaren. Kersken-Canbaz Verlag, Bergen/Dumme 1993. 2. Auflage, völlig neu überarbeitet. 355 S., 3 Bl. Vlgs.-Anz., 1 (w) illustr. OKarton.

Price: 64,00 €


Crowley, Aleister [eigentl. Edward Alexander C.] und M[ichael] D[ietmar] Eschner:

Liber Al vel Legis mit Kommentaren. Kersken-Canbaz Verlag, Bergen/Dumme 1993. 2. Auflage, völlig neu überarbeitet. 355 S., 3 Bl. Vlgs.-Anz., 1 (w) illustr. OKarton.

Price: 65,00 €


Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

A Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema. The Teitan Press, York Beach 2008. Gr.-8°. Edited with an Introduction by Colin Campbell. Foreword by Dr Richard Kaczynski. xxiii, [1] w., 347, 1 (w) S., 2 Bl. Blue cloth with gilt titling to spine and gilt magic square on front cover. With dustwrapper.

Price: 265,00 €


Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

AL (Le Livre de la Loi) sub figura xxxi tel qu’il fut transmis par 93 – AIWASS – 418 à Ankh-f-n-khonsu Le Prêtre des Princes qui est 666. Pas d’éditeur, pas de date [ca. 1980]. xiii, [1] w., 55 S. Carton.

Price: 36,00 €


Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

AL (Liber Legis) THE BOOK OF THE LAW – sub figura – xxxi as delivered by 93-AIWASS-418 to Ankh-f-n-khonsu The Priest of the Princes who is 666. Level Press, San Francisco 1974. Edited and with notes by Llee Heflin. 67, [1] S., 1 Bl., 2 (w) Bl. Softcover. Cream printed wrappers depicting a “golden” Stele of Revealing on the front and Liber OZ on the back cover.

Price: 140,00 €


Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

AL (Liber Legis) THE BOOK OF THE LAW sub figura xxxi as delivered by 93 – AIWASS – 418 to ANKH-F-N-KHONSU The Priest of the Princes who is 666. Heka-Baka Books, London [1984]. 1 (w), 52 S., 1 (w). Red stapled Softcover.

Price: 130,00 €


Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

AL (Liber Legis) THE BOOK OF THE LAW sub figura xxxi as delivered by 93 – AIWASS – 418 to Ankh-f-n-khonsu The Priest of the Princes who is 666. No publisher, no date (late 1970ies). [32] S. Stapled pamphlet in cream card wrappers and printed on very good cream colored paper. Protected in Mylar.

Price: 60,00 €


Crowley, Aleister (eigentl.: Edward Alexander C.):

Äquinox I. LIBER Al vel Legis sub Figura CCXX wie es gegeben ward von XCIII = 418 an DCLXVI. Verlag Psychosophische Gesellschaft, Schweiz 1953. 1 farb. Abb. (4-Farben-Kunstdruck der Stele) 4 (w), 63 Seiten, 4 (w) fein weiß holzfrei Federleicht Bücherpapier in Caligot-Leinen mit goldpr. und OUmschlag.

Price: 142,00 €

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